Welcome to Concord American Little League!
Concord American Little League is open to all players that live or attend school within our league boundaries. Please join us to play the great game of baseball!
Registration for the 2025 Spring Season is NOW OPEN!
Register before October 31st and get the Early Bird Discount of $30 off!
Concord American Little League is a 100% volunteer run organization. The Board of Directors, Managers, Coaches, Umpires, Scorekeepers, Announcers and all others do not receive any pay for their work. We are here for the kids. As the families of our young athletes, you make everything possible. Without your efforts we could not continue. Your positive support and enthusiastic assistance is always needed at practices, games and events. Please be an active participant and a positive role model for your child by doing your share to help make this season a success!
CALL requires that each family work a minimum of 4-8 volunteer shifts.* Although many of our families choose to volunteer more time as they are able. To track your time, each family is given a Volunteer Service Record (card). Time is awarded using a point system and points are earned based on the role or shift completed. The volunteer shifts and the points awarded for each come in all shapes and sizes. There are official roles such as manager, coach, team/safety parent that require a season-long commitment. Others are by shift such as snack shack, scorekeeper, umpire, announcer, field clean-up days, and opening day help. If you have others services that you can offer (cleaning, landscaping, painting, electrician, etc.), please speak with a board member. We’re happy to work with you and can accommodate any schedule, family or time constraints.
During our spring season, CALL families place a volunteer deposit along with the registration fees. This is only a deposit and we want to refund this money back to you at the close of the season. Once you complete your minimum point total* for the season, submit your completed service record and we’ll refund the full amount. Please note that the deposit IS NOT an “opt out” of your volunteer requirement. As a Little League, we cannot hire and pay people to work in your place. Our motto is "many hands make light work" but if a family does not honor their obligation, that burden falls to other families who may be just as busy or busier than you. All of the families in our league are needed to make this a great place for your child to play.
Thank You Families!!
*Point Requirements established prior to the start of the spring season. T-Ball/Coach Pitch families will have a reduced requirement due to fewer opportunities available.